Brado Market Research Study

Who is Brado?  

We are a marketing services company with a specialty in market research. Our clients ask us to gather opinions about their products/services and the ways they can market them. We gather information from Participants and give our clients a summary report that includes a synthesis of findings, recommendations, and presentations. See for more details about our company.  

What is the purpose and benefit of a market research study (“Study”)?  

  • The information and opinions we gather will be used to understand possible benefits, risks and features of our client’s product or service, how to optimize it and determine business strategy. 
  • Results (anonymized, aggregated data) of the Study may be presented at meetings or appear in publications. Except for video and audio, this summary report will not include your PII.  

Why did you select me to be a Participant?  

Our client is interested in the opinions of persons with specific characteristics and experiences. You were selected because of the details you provided about your background, expertise and/or experiences.   

What will I be asked to do?   

  • Participants will be asked to share opinions, experiences and preferences about a product or service.  
  • You will be asked to keep information about the Study strictly confidential and to return any samples or materials we have given you.  
  • Other details vary by Study and will be shared in a Study Agreement (which will include provisions providing for your informed consent) prior to commencing a Study. You will be asked to sign this Agreement to acknowledge your understanding of Study expectations. 

When will I be paid?  

You will be paid upon completion of the Study. Please contact the recruiter (the company that scheduled you for the research) about questions regarding compensation and typical payment timelines. 

Are there any risks to me as a Participant?  

  • We may ask about things you think are private. If you are uncomfortable with the questions, you can choose not to answer.   
  • It is unlikely you will be asked to use, apply, or ingest any product. In this would be required, you will be notified during the recruiting process and via the Study Agreement. You will always have the right to decline participation. 
  • Safeguards are taken to maintain data privacy and confidentiality, but no system is guaranteed. There is always risk assumed when sharing PII. 

What about video and/or audio recordings? 

The Study may be live-streamed, video- and/or audio-recorded. Recordings help the researchers gather additional insights that cannot always be captured in the moment. With your consent, recordings may be shared with our clients, but other PII will not be provided. The video may or may not be anonymized (blurred and voice changed) prior to sharing.    

What happens if I want to stop participating?   

Participation is voluntary. You may end your participation or withdraw at any time for any reason. 

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